Justice for the Mentally Ill

Judge Karen Beyers spoke at the May 6 noon meeting of the Rotary Club of Lawrenceville on the Mental Health Court currently operating in Gwinnett County.  She was instrumental in forming this court to solve some of the problems inherent in dealing with prisoners with mental health issues. Previously, information was scattered among various sectors, but with this Court, a “wrap around” service is available to help provide answers and resolve problems with prisoners suffering from Access I level mental problems.  The service involves a team approach where all professionals involved meet around a table and make decisions about individual cases.  Currently, 11 people are served by the program.  These prisoners are convicted for low level offenses and are referred by the District Attorney to the Mental Health Court.  For 2 or 3 years they will have intensive supervision and aid from mental health care professionals.  The Court was funded by the Governor, who ear-marked funds for various types of accountability courts, and has the capacity to serve 50 individuals.  The main problem to date is finding housing for the individuals after they leave jail.  Judge Beyers completed her talk by answering questions from club members.