Chief Russell Knick: “Gwinnett Fire & Emergency Services”

At the December 1 meeting of the Rotary Club of Lawrenceville Chief Russell Knick described the range and type of services provided by the thirty stations of Gwinnett Fire and Emergency Services, services ranging from fire fighting to hazmat to EMS.  He outlined the achievements and the challenges of his department.  Achievements are reflected in a citizen survey rating of 4.93 out of 5.0, eleven important awards, and successful grant applications.  He noted that all new hires complete paramedic training, which is not true in other counties.  They continually work toward a balance between responding and prevention.  With their smoke alarm blitzes, they have installed 2500 smoke alarms. Our county services compared to other counties are cheaper while providing coverage to the largest area in Georgia.  They continuously work on improving response rates, although their rates are excellent.   He outlined three major challenges:  1) covering the area–a new station is planned on Collins Hill Road in response to increased demand around the GGC area, 2) increased needs for inspections–a new web-based system and one new inspector may help meet that need, and 3) staffing and retention–trained hires sometimes leave for better pay, for pay has been stagnant–a new system of predictable step increases should help morale.