Pat Baker: Family Caregivers and the Challenges They Face

The Director of Health and Human Services in Gwinnett County, Pat Baker, spoke at the noon meeting of the Rotary Club of Lawrenceville on April 27.  After surveying the group for those who have been caregivers, she quoted Rosalyn Carter on four kinds of people: those who have been caregivers; those who currently are; those who will be; and those who will need caregivers in the future. She focused her comments on a new program, “Lunch and Learn,” developed to offer information to employees of  businesses and corporations.  She went through her information on a thorough handout which defined a “family caregiver,” outlined caregiver roles and responsibilities, presented 10 considerations to determine the status of a loved one, and provided a list of numerous resources that could be of help.  She emphasized that an employee cannot legally be discriminated against because of a caregiver role.  She encouraged Rotarians to make use of these “Lunch and Learn” services in their companies.