Dean Mackintosh: “GRSP Year-End Presentation”

This year the Rotary Club of Lawrenceville has helped sponsor Dean Mackintosh from Edinburgh, Scotland, at Georgia Gwinnett College as part of the Georgia Rotary Student Program. On Monday, April 6, Dean gave his final report to the group. He asserted that the year has been a tremendous experience for him, one that he will never forget. He thanked the Rotarians for their support and praised his host family, the Goldens, and all Rotarians who welcomed him so generously. He has enjoyed the beautiful countryside and noted that one major difference between Georgia and Scotland is the love for sports in this country. He showed a series of slides chronicling his many week-end and holiday experiences, among them the opening conclave in Columbus and the Clayton County and Savannah weekends. Trips included Washington D.C., New York on New Year’s Eve, and spring break in Panama City. Hosts took him to all sorts of sport events: baseball, ice hockey, and basketball. He particularly enjoyed an American Halloween and Christmas with the large Golden family. Memorable was a Greyhound bus experience, a trip to Tifton for a sorority ball, and a Pelham week-end where he visited an alligator farm and a prison. He is looking forward to his remaining 56 days and knows they will pass quickly.