RCL Announces their NEW INTERACT CLUB 2-6-2012

“The Rotary Club of Lawrenceville is proud to announce the chartering of their new Interact Club at Scholars Guild.  Interact is a service club for youth ages 12-18.  They are self-governing and self-supporting and can be either school or community based.  Clubs are sponsored by Rotary Clubs which provide support and guidance.  Interact is a combination of the words international and action which reflects the hundreds of clubs all over the world.  Scholars Guild is a home school academy based in Loganville that provides advanced classes for high school and middle school students.  The club is off to a great start with our Interactors joining us for Salvation Army bell ringing and adopt a road project.  They are currently working on a “rice bowl” project that raises money for food for orphans around the world.  Future projects include making “birthday boxes” for the Lawrenceville Co-Op and participating in the Gwinnett Great Days of Service.”
