Category Archives: District Announcement

Our District Governor the year of International in Atlanta 2017 celebrating 100 years of Rotary Foundation


Just after this picture of Kim Waters and Rotary International President Ron Burton, he turned to Kim and said “When will you be a District Governor, Kim?”   THE ANSWER:  Chosen on November 15, 2013 to serve as Governor of RI District 6910 in 2016-2017.


In honor of her recent selection as District Governor Nominee Designate for Rotary International in District 6910 in 2016-2017, the members of the Rotary Club of Hall County proclaimed her “Queen for a Day” of the club.  She was presented a crocheted crown and a large vase of fresh flowers.  She is pictured with District Governor Elect Bill Strickland who happened to be visiting with us at the meeting.


Conference Comments and Story by Robert Cowan

At the noon meeting of the Rotary Club of Lawrenceville on April 29, club members reported on their experiences at the District Conference in Chattanooga last week-end. Nancy McGill, Freya Myers, Beatty McCaleb, Al Hombroek, and Art Kleve described the activities that most impressed them, and all strongly encouraged members to plan to go the meeting next year on Jekyll Island.

All asserted that the experience made them proud to be connected with a group which has such influence in the world; several cited the success of the polio irradication program as a major accomplishment of Rotary International. Al testified that one is just a member until one goes to a District meeting; then one becomes a true Rotarian. The knowledge gained about the district and international activities makes this conference a valuable experience.

The Rotarian in charge of the day’s program, Bob Cowan, proposed to have members tell stories of events that in retrospect were significant moments in their lives. He told of a couple of personal experiences as examples. One story involved a fishing trip with his father and brother when, as a 14-year-old, he had to learn to drive to get his father to a hospital after an accident with a fish fly hook. Plans were made to have other members continue the story telling in the future.


District Conference

RCL After conference attendee reports from Rotary Club of Lawrenceville
District 6910 Conference

Why did eight members of our Rotary Club of Lawrenceville go to District conference? It required missing work for a day or two, driving five hours across Georgia to Hilton Head and then back home, paying convention registration fees and hotel expenses, and giving up a spring week-end at home. Why?

Because the benefits and pleasures outweighed these factors. The primary benefit for me, a relatively new District 6910 member, was the opportunity to meet people and to get to know my Lawrenceville colleagues better in the beautiful setting of Hilton Head Island. The Lawrenceville contingent and their spouses went out of their way to include me in lunch plans and to introduce me to Rotarians they knew from other clubs. In short, it was a very social week-end, with three parties each night in the Hospitality Rooms and chances to try local restaurants on the Island in good company.
The social aspect was fun but the informational sessions were truly inspirational. From the energetic GRSP student presentations to the talks by Grant Wilkins, the International President’s representative, I came away feeling pride in being a part of an organization which truly has an impact for good in the world. The GRSP students and Group Study Exchange teams attested to increased understanding and appreciation for cultural differences; the many fine projects sponsored by the Foundation have resulted in improving countless lives in undeveloped countries. Local clubs described successful projects which have made a difference in Georgia communities. I got a better understanding of Rotary structure and how the different committees work. Going to District taught me about Rotary, about Georgia, and about the world.

Dr. Jill T. Jones