David Freeman: “Rotary: Beyond the Weekly Luncheon”

David Freeman, a long-time, dedicated member of the Rotary Club of Lawrenceville, shared his thoughts on Rotary membership with his club on April 7.  He invited Rotarians to ask “Why did I join Rotary”?  He knew some joined for friendship, to make a difference, or for professional networking.  With him and his Rotarian wife, Nina, Rotary has become a way of life.  He told his personal story of how he came to Rotary and maintained that it takes time to assimilate what it means to be a Rotarian. He has profited from business contacts through the group and believes that is a major benefit of being a member of Rotary. He encouraged Rotarians to wear their pins; many times he has been asked about the pin and found opportunities to tell people what Rotary is.   He pointed out advantages of membership such as chances to visit with other clubs and training opportunities through seminars like LEADS and RLI.  He read off a list of Lawrenceville Rotarians who have served on the District level and encouraged others to take advantage of such opportunities.



He encouraged other members to consider a membership for his/her spouse.