Senior Judge Robert W. Mock, Sr. spoke to the Rotary Club of Lawrenceville about his 28 years on the bench in Gwinnett County. He shared many changes that have occurred during those three decades, including a significant expansion of the need for courts and the speed of growth in Gwinnett County. He noted that the “law mall” built in Lawrenceville that was designed for long-term use is bursting at the seams, with courts having to move locations to accommodate demands. Jude Mock addressed the election of judges, including the fundraising required to run, as well as the different types of courts and the cases they hear. He showed an example of a contract written in Korean as an exhibit in a case he adjudicated and described the complications that arose from the intricacies of interpreting the meaning in various Korean dialects. The story was a clear example of the difficulties often faced by judges in providing equal access to courts and in making sound decisions. He also shared an amusing example of how a judge in Texas handled two warring lawyers in a case.