Elizabeth Danley and Deputy Strauss: “United Way Programs”


On February 15, 2016, Elizabeth Danley, Project Manager for United Way, and  Deputy Strauss, of the Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Department, spoke to the Rotary Club of Lawrenceville about the various programs serving the homeless population in Gwinnett County.  Elizabeth described several programs, including the Streets to Home Program, Vets Connect, and Kids Home Initiative, but she focused mainly on GRIP, the Gwinnett Re-entry Intervention Program.  The main goal of the program is to reduce the recidivism rate, and in its three years of functioning, the recidivism rate for those individuals in their program is a low 8.2%.  Inmates have to refer themselves for the program, and when they are accepted, help is provided with housing and health services. Over 1,100 people have been pre-screened and referred to reentry services.  Elizabeth praised Faith Based Partnerships for their valuable assistance.