Sherry Laboon: “Bosnia Water and Sanitation Projects”

Bosnia.fw  Sherry Laboon

At the March 14 meeting of the Rotary Club of Lawrenceville, Sherry Laboon informed the group about a project proposed by the Rotary Club of Oconee County which involves meeting the water and sanitation needs of two areas in Bosnia-Herzagovina.  She provided background information about the geographical region, pointing out that in this mountainous area war damage and bi-annual flooding problems create a serious need for clean water.  Corrupt governments and religious tensions make progress in solving the water problem difficult.  The plan calls for focusing on two projects, one in Velecevo and Dubocani and one in Dzevar-Brdar/Stari Majdan.  She described the situations and history of these areas and sought the Club’s help raising the $42,000 needed to create a long-term solution to the water issues there.