Rob Jenkins: “9 Virtues of Exceptional Leaders”


rotary may 23

Speaking at the noon meeting on May 23 was Rob Jenkins, Gwinnett Daily Post columnist, Georgia State University professor, and co-author of the recently published 9 Virtues of Exceptional Leaders: Unlocking Your Leadership Potential.  He spoke on the qualities of good leadership and focused on what good leaders do.  He quoted the old saying “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink” and added the additional lines we don’t often hear “but you can put salt in his oats.”  In other words, a good leader can encourage a “thirst” in those he leads.  Other qualities included: serving as a role model, turning the light on for others, promoting a level of sanity and mental health, being friends and mentors while preserving appropriate lines, allowing people to screw up, and helping others learn discipline.  He entertained with a humorous anecdote to illustrate each of his generalizations.