10 events found.
Holiday Party @ Home of P.K. and Amanda Martin
Please RSVP on DACDB.com under club event or email me Nancy@cartridgeworldlawrenceville.com if you are a yes or no. Please include any guest names. We are adding a white elephant gift exchange limit $20. Please click on this link https://www.PerfectPotluck.com/IMEC3148 to let us know what you are bringing and for more details.
Club Meeting
Lawrenceville Arts Center 125 N Clayton St, Lawrenceville, GeorgiaClub Meeting: Carol Love with Family Promise of Gwinnett
Attend Virtual - Meeting Link If you are interested in volunteering for Family Promise of Gwinnett - Complete the Volunteer Application. For additional information contact - Mitzi Fountain, Director of Community Engagement at Family Promise Gwinnett - mfountain@familypromisegwinnett.org