The Red Badge Program is part of the orientation process for becoming a member of the Rotary Club of Lawrenceville. The list is designed to encourage our new members to become more aware of the activities of our club and be able to decide where they would like to become more involved.
- New Member Orientation
- Participate in a club activity (road clean up, bell ringing, etc.)
- Visit our website & District 6910 and set up passwords
- Attend a board Meeting – See events page for next board meeting
- Serve as greeter 3 times at a club meeting (help with members getting to know them)
- Attend a meeting at another club
- Find a committee that interests you and join
- Invite a guest to a meeting or other Rotary function
- Read “Getting Started in Rotary” and the “ABCs of Rotary”
- Attend a District function – Rotary Leaders Institute, LEADS or Conference