Tieg Reeder “Taxes: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”

At the noon meeting on Monday, October 21, 2013, Tieg Reeder spoke to his fellow Rotarians about the current tax situation in this country. He emphasized the uncertain nature of the tax policies and divided his talk into the “good, bad, and ugly” aspects of the tax situation. Under the “good” he pointed out the tax provisions of the American Tax Payers Act of 2012 which have been extended and made permanent. Under the “bad” he pointed out some provisions which are expiring and the new tax increases which were made permanent. Much of what he discussed concerned taxpayers in the higher tax brackets. Under the “ugly” he focused on the uncertainties of the Affordable Care Act which goes into effect on January 1 and talked in detail about Medicare surtaxes and whom they will affect. He ended by sharing some planning points re: tax exempt bonds, Rolf IRA distributions, and gifting.