Dr. Laura Crawley: “The Future of Adult Graduate Education: It’s Closer Than You Think”


At the noon meeting on February 17, Dr. Laura Crawley, the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs and Director of the UGA Gwinnett Campus, described the graduate programs offered by the University of Georgia at their Gwinnett campus. This campus, one of four satellite facilities, serves only graduate students, with education and social work being their largest programs. They offer 13 master’s degree programs, 4 educational specialist degrees, and 3 doctoral degrees in education. The majority of students are women and the majority of students are between the ages of 30 and 40. She reported that many individuals, 50 and over, are going back to get a master’s degree and start on a third or fourth career. She pointed out that over the last 30 years the world of academe has changed significantly; for example, enrollment in graduate schools has increased significantly and only 15% of undergraduates actually attend four-year colleges and live on campus.She described students on her campus as very practical people who were intent on getting their degrees while working around job and family commitments. Working with them requires flexibility and new, creative ways of presenting classes. These graduates go on to serve their communities and improve the local economies.