Roy Whitehead: “Snellville’s Police Department”

At the February 9 meeting of the Rotary Club of Lawrenceville, Roy Whitehead, Snellville Chief of Police, gave a lively overview of the Snellville Police Department’s efforts to communicate with the community. They are active on Facebook where they share information about laws, with some humorous sidelines, and take comments from citizens. Criminals have been caught because of pictures on the site. He encouraged Rotarians to “like” and follow their Facebook page. Other community activities include volunteering in the Explorers program, sponsoring the Citizens’ Police Academy, visiting schools where they talk about texting and driving, and hosting an annual Halloween party for kids. He maintained that the perception that Snellville is crime ridden is unjustified. The media mistakenly locate crimes in Snellville that did not actually happen in Snellville, and he has appealed to media sources to be more accurate. He is proud of his department’s record in the past year when only 8 robberies, 11 aggravated assaults, two rapes, and no homicides occurred. Most of those crimes have been solved. Property crimes and shoplifting account for most of their work. He talked about profiling behaviors, the “CSI effect,” and the local Snellville Neighborhood Alert Program and recounted stories of how traffic stops, always dangerous, have led to the solution of major crimes.